Week 1: Emotional & Mental Clarity in Ramadan

Focus: Letting go of mental clutter, setting clear spiritual intentions, and overcoming guilt & burnout.

Tuesday - Close applications & select members

Wednesday – Habit Building

Topic: Clearing distractions & creating an environment for spiritual focus.
Reflection: What is one habit or distraction that takes me away from my connection with Allah?
Action: Choose one small habit to let go of (excessive scrolling, complaining, music, etc.) and replace it with dhikr or a small act of ibadah.

Reflecting on One of Allah’s Names

Name of Allah: (Al Maghrib Institute)
Reflection: What does this name mean to me?
Action: Include it in your du’a this week

Thursday – Improving our worship

Topic: Bringing more khushu’ (presence) into Salah.
Reflection: When was the last time I prayed a Salah where I felt truly connected?
Action: Choose one prayer today & perform it with full focus—make wudu slowly, recite with meaning, and take your time in sujood.

Friday – Emotional Healing with Therapist

Live Session: Cultivating Intentionality, Emotional Healing, & Mental Clarity
What We’ll Discuss:

  • Power of Niyyah - How intention transforms experiences

  • Psychological insight: Reticular Activating System (RAS) & focus - negativity bias

  • Implementation Statements - Turning intention into Action; why most people struggle with follow through

  • Practice creating personal implementation statements

Action: Implementation Statements Application: 

  • Identify an emotional struggle

    1. Set a clear intention

    2. Create an Implementation Statement

    3. Reflect daily on progress

Saturday - Personal Iba’dah/Quran reading

Sunday - Reflection & Spiritual Check-In
Reflection: What’s one thing from this week I want to reinforce or go deeper with? How do I feel mentally & spiritually after one week? What is one thing I improved on this week? What do I still need to work on?
Action: Set one personal goal for the next week

Week 2: Overcoming Self-Doubt, Developing a Growth Mindset & Realigning with Purpose

Focus: Shifting limiting beliefs, building self-confidence in faith, & overcoming negative self-talk.

Monday - Habit Building

Topic: Istighfar & self-forgiveness.
Reflection: How does seeking forgiveness help me move forward?
Action: Set a goal for how many times you’ll say “Astaghfirullah” today & mean it with sincerity.

Tuesday – Sunnah & Islamic Practices

Topic: The power of intention (niyyah) & renewing it daily.
Reflection: The Prophet ﷺ said, “Actions are judged by intentions.” How can I make my Ramadan acts of worship more intentional?
Action: Before each prayer or act of worship, pause & set a sincere intention.

Wednesday – Reflecting on One of Allah’s Names

Name of Allah: (Al Maghrib Institute)
Reflection: What does this name mean to me?
Action: Include it in your du’a this week

Thursday – Worship Check-In & Accountability

Topic: Breaking past spiritual inconsistency.
Reflection: What stops me from being consistent in my ibadah?
Action: Pick one act of worship you struggle with and commit to doing it today—no excuses.

Friday – Emotional Healing with Therapist

Live Session: "Letting Go of Guilt & Strengthening Your Spiritual Mindset"

  • Overcoming negative self-talk

  • Reframing setbacks in faith

  • Building a growth mindset in worship

Takeaway: Cognitive Restructuring - Identifying personal negative self talk patterns and reframing it with a growth response. (unhelpful vs helpful thought)

Saturday - Personal Iba’dah/Quran reading

Sunday - Reflection & Spiritual Check-In

What’s one thing from this week I want to reinforce or go deeper with? How do I feel mentally & spiritually after one week? What is one thing I improved on this week? What do I still need to work on?
Action: Set one personal goal for the next week

Week 3: Deepening Du’a, Maximizing the Last 10 Nights & Sustaining Spiritual Discipline

Focus: Making the most of the last 10 nights & setting up for long-term spiritual success.

Monday – Islamic Habit Building

Topic: Power of Du’a & speaking to Allah like a friend.
Action: Write down 3 personal du’as for the last 10 nights.

Tuesday – Sunnah & Islamic Practices

Topic: How the Prophet ﷺ spent the last 10 nights.
Action: Create your own simple plan for Laylatul Qadr.

Wednesday – Reflecting on One of Allah’s Names

Name of Allah: "Al-Mujeeb (The Responsive)"
Reflection: Do I believe that Allah hears me & answers my du’a?
Action: Include “Ya Mujeeb” in every du’a this week & ask for your biggest needs with conviction.

Thursday – Worship Check-In & Accountability

Topic: Building a post-Ramadan spiritual plan.
Action: Write down 3 worship habits you want to continue after Ramadan & how you’ll stay accountable.

Friday – Emotional Healing with Therapist

Live Session: "Strengthening Faith & Spiritual Discipline for the Last 10 Nights"

  • Overcoming Spiritual Fatigue and Self Sabotage

  • Practical Strategies for Consistency

  • Psychology of Spiritual Discipline

Action: Create a personal du’a list for Laylatul Qadr.

Saturday & Sunday - Reflection & Spiritual Check-In

Theme: A day for personal ibadah, reflection, and reinforcement.
Reflection: What’s one thing from this week I want to reinforce or go deeper with? How do I feel mentally & spiritually after one week? What is one thing I improved on this week? What do I still need to work on?
Action: Set one personal goal for the next week